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Insomnia Quandry

Insomnia Quandry

Insomnia Quandary
Three questions ponder I late at night,
In sleepless hours past twilight:
Is my place known in the universe?
If I died now, am I ready for the hearse?
And, Did I put the leftovers in the fridge?
To triple quandry, answers a single bridge:
If Yes, ’tis well with my unsealed fate,
but if No, ’tis already much too late!
So sleep on!, it matters not your wishes,
Leave for the morning the mourning, the dishes.

Grow’n Up

Grow’n Up

Grow’n Up
When do we stop laughing as children do,
enjoying life, careless too?
When does life’s slow grip grab us fast
with bills and troubles, slaves to the past?
Methinks the vine that strangles the free
grew up planted right next to me,
so close, in fact, I could not tell
it from me, heaven from hell,
til near too late I saw it’s hold
on my young children growing old.
So I cut the vine that held me down,
and played outside and laughed outloud
till dusk had come, now longsince gone,
kids to bed, and continue on
with work to do that must be done,
priority two after priority one!
I won’t be caught by the Hook,
I’m no fish, I’ve read the book!
Nor will I be fried by the Pan,
I’ll run away as fast as I, fast as I can!

Firmum Retineamus

Firmum Retineamus

Firmum Retineamus
With invisible chains to bind my mind
and unseen pains to tie my soul,
you knock me down, but you will find
I’ll rise again to take the toll.
And with each strike I’ll stronger be,
more determined than ever to win the fight!
You think your pains are weakening me,
but soon your bark will meet my bite!
Though sail is not stronger than fiercest wind,
and may fail in mighty storm,
unlike canvas, needled and pinned,
I grow stonger when I’m torn.
No matter how long the darkest night,
My inner battle will be won,
Nor how fierce the demons I must fight,
I’ll toil til my work is done.
You think I’ll give up in the end,
That I will never last,
But when you’ve left, defeated, my friend, 
I’ll be right here, steadfast!