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Dictating poems (probably while on a walk or run) and watching what it came up with.
Did you find the baby hidden owl in this one?
What’s scarier to you, the low battery, or low bars?
Pigmented ink pen and watercolor pencils (used dry).
Ah comma
The beauties of dictation period
Making poetry so easy comma
Because punctuation rhymes hyphen
Dangit exclamation mark



Having to swerve while running when 3 butterflies flew right in front of me. Not sure if they were fighting or… or playing tag. An no, I didn’t really fall down (not that time). I did once fall down running with one of my boys, right after telling him to not lift his feet up so high, but to have them a little closer to the ground like I did to save energy. Life’s good at irony!
Muhammad Ali’s famous line “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”
Pigmented ink pen and watercolor pencils (used dry).
Three came at me at once, 
Blocked the path where I did ran. 
I didn’t want no trouble,
So I runned away as fast as I can.
I knew I could’a taked them,
Could’a put them in their place!
While they “floated”, I would “sting”
them in their uglies face!
But I choosed the higher ground,
The path less traveled by,
Then looking back, I falled down hard,
…stupid butterflies!



Pondering my natural gift at spellign.
Pigmented ink pen and watercolor pencils (used dry).
Teecher taut me hou too spel,
butt not relly al that grate.
I gess I shuda lisened wel,
‘steada ruminatin’ on my existential fate!

The Early Worm

The Early Worm

Not wanting to get up in the morning.
Pigmented ink pen and watercolor pencils (used dry).
The Early Worm
“The early bird gets the worm” they say
and tell you “Get up and fight!”
For you’re a bird, bird games you play
from morning until late at night.
But what if I, to you, could show
a worm’s uncle was my cousin’s niece?
“The early worm gets the bird!” you know,
So please let me sleep in peace!

Rhyme Paradox

Rhyme Paradox

Thinking about time paradoxes.
Pigmented ink pen and watercolor pencils (used dry).
Rhyme Paradox
I went back in time 
and told me a rhyme
   that my future self had wrote
which he promised me sure
would make us fortunes du jour
  if I remembered every word that he spoke.
but I forgot nine or ten
so I went forward again
  to ask him to write it all down.
But my story’s so sad-
he was never a smart lad
   and had forgotten five verbs and a noun.
It was something about luck
and a couple of ducks
  That were late to a gathering of geese.
But that must not be right,
‘Cause no money’s in sight,
   Oh, woe is stupid ol’ me!