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Having to swerve while running when 3 butterflies flew right in front of me. Not sure if they were fighting or… or playing tag. An no, I didn’t really fall down (not that time). I did once fall down running with one of my boys, right after telling him to not lift his feet up so high, but to have them a little closer to the ground like I did to save energy. Life’s good at irony!
Muhammad Ali’s famous line “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”
Pigmented ink pen and watercolor pencils (used dry).
Three came at me at once, 
Blocked the path where I did ran. 
I didn’t want no trouble,
So I runned away as fast as I can.
I knew I could’a taked them,
Could’a put them in their place!
While they “floated”, I would “sting”
them in their uglies face!
But I choosed the higher ground,
The path less traveled by,
Then looking back, I falled down hard,
…stupid butterflies!