Seeing the same thing on my list of goals for a quarter century without making any progress.
Pigmented ink pen and pastels.
Ramp on the Ridge
A chasm separates who I am
from who I want to be,
a constant reminder of the man
that’s falling short of me.
It’s far too far to climb down safe
and back up the other side,
and no way to ever go around,
it stretches far too wide.
I don’t have skills to build a bridge
nor boards to span the deep,
just enough for a ramp on the ridge,
so I’ll run and take a flying leap!
To never have jumped has the same effect
as t’have jumped and to have died,
either way these words end up silent,
but at least with the latter one I tried!
So if these words are never read,
it means they fell and died.
But since, apparently, they are not dead,
welcome to the other side
of me!